Friday, October 26, 2012

Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush Saga #1) by Becca Fitzpatrick

Another book recommended by the same old friend.
Positive: AMAZING! I COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN! I loved how smoothly everything moved along, and kept so much mystery~! I kept on wondering what Patch REALLY was, and I kept on thinking that one of those two guys (the ones at the private school) wanted to kill her, who was in the ski mask..
Did not know that Patch wanted to kill Nora!
N-O-N-E. Amazing.

Book rating out of 10:
10 JUST 10
# of pages: 391
How long it took to read it: 8 hours (4PM-12AM)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Iron Knight (Iron Fey #4) By Julie Kagawa

Positive: Loved the ending, just... started squealing... Shh, this is a secret.
Negative: Ugh, around page 310, I wanted to rip out the pages... I really didn't like it, and it was hard to follow the book...
# of page: 394
Book rating out of 10:
How long it took me to read: 2.5 days

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Iron Queen (Iron Fey #3) By Julie Kagawa

Positive: Daw.. I loved this book.I couldn't stop reading it! Even though I got in trouble for reading it during class... Hehe.AshxMeghan approved.
Negative: ARGH. MEGAN. WHY, WHY DID YOU PUSH ASH AWAY D: That made me nearly cry.
Book rating out of 10:
# of pages: 358
How long it took me to read: 1 day

Sunday, October 21, 2012

*Movie* The Dark Knight Rises

Yes. I've finally watched it, and I'm not a major Batman fan. But whatever. These movie reviews are rare.
Positive: Ooh. So much action and romance.. Okay. Never mind. But still! There was a lot of flashbacks..
Negative: Too much talking. And I hate how everyone thinks Batman is a killer. u_u I know he said he killed someone, but he took the blame even when he didn't. HATED THAT PART.
The end. My short movie review.
Movie rating out of 10:
Length of movie: 2 hours, 45 minutes (165 minutes)

Iron Daughter (Iron Fey #2) By Julie Kagawa

Positive: Man. This is an excellent book. I loved how Ash realized that Rowan was the new Iron King... And how much they bargain. REALLY. Stop gambling. (It's a joke people) A bit of fighting, that's good! And the MeghanxAsh scenes *sigh*
Negative: This is one of those first chapter heart wrecking books. Just to be warned, okay. And I didn't like how they kept fleeing from stuff. And the kiss from Puck! Meh!
Book rating out of 10:
# of pages: 359
How long it took me to read: 1 day

Iron King (Iron Fey #1) By Julie Kagawa

Iron King (Iron Fey #1) By Julie Kagawa
Hmm. Another recommended series by a good friend of mine.
Positive: Oh dear. I feel so sorry for Meg and her step dad. Doesn't even remember she's there... Her brother is a psycho (for a little kid) and she is a normal girl with a best friend. A boy. Her brother keeps saying there's monsters everywhere, and after he is replaced by a challenging, Meghan must go and find her brother. Her best friend turns out to be Puck, from a Midsummer Night's Dream... which scared me a little, because I was planning to read that. I really, really liked this book.
Negative: Erk. Here we go again. The storyline is hard to follow if you don't know about the myths of faeries, ogres, etc. Just warning you, look up the origins of the names, example, Mab, Titania, and you'll get it. Otherwise, have fun reading a Midsummer Night's Dream, which is a pain. And I found a couple of mistakes.
Book rating out of 10:
# of pages: 363
How long it took me to read: 3 days

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tiger's Destiny (Tiger's Saga #4) Colleen Houck

Aww, two guys going after Kelsey! Actually, make that THREE. Ren, Kishan, AND Lokesh *shudder*
Loved how she tried to steal the knife from the table, but failed. Plus the battle between Durga, Ren, Kishan, Kelsey to fight Lokesh.
Best part was when Ren showed Kelsey all his thoughts, and when she did the same, I was like, YES. We've all been waiting for her confession.
It was confusing for a LONG time. Random characters appeared randomly, and it was weird how Kadam was acting in the first few chapters.
Book rating out of 10:
7 :|
# of pages: 447
How long it took me to read: 2 days

Tiger's Voyage (Tiger's Saga #3) Colleen Houck

Third. At last.
Positive Feedback:
I love how Kishan is invited Kells for dates, and NOT kissing her, and that was the key to unlocking Ren's memory all along! When I read a little snippet of where Kishan and Kelsey kissed, I was like, oh my god. When did Ren get his memory back. Good though! I loved the dragons even more. Haha gold dragon. SUFFER
Hated how Ren pushed her away. I guess that makes new Ren hater #whoknowshowmany
Book rating out of 10:
# of pages: 543
How long it took me to read: 3 days

Tiger's Quest (Tiger's Saga #2) Colleen Houck

Another one. YES.
Positive Feedback:
LOVED. Absolutelyyy~~~ Although.. Kishan is acting weird~~~~ <3
The best part where Artie was like, trying to hook up Kells for another date with REN RIGHT THERE!!
Also loved Kells list of Artie's date. (;
REN IS REALLY TRYING PEOPLE. Can't give up on the pretty girl in about 350 years huh.
Dang. Another book that moved faster than I would like. Although good, it made me want to rip the pages in  the chapter about dates. XD Talk about pressure!
Book rating out of 10:
# of pages: 479
How long it took me to read: 2 days

Tiger's Curse (Tiger Saga #1) By: Colleen Houck

Ahhh. Another good book that needs a review.
Positive Feedback:
Epic. When Kells met Ren (Tiger~~!) I was like, aww, cute tiger. Can't imagine he was a human though. The jungle part (where Kadam dropped Ren and Kells off in the jungle before Ren showed Kells his human form) I was like, what is going on..? Good book!
Ack. Going too fast. I was lost for a few pages, so I had to reread to make sure I was reading right and wasn't missing anything. Good though.

Book rating out of 10:
# of pages: 402
How long it took me to read: 2 days

Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire #2) by Courtney Allison Moulton

Yep, another Angelfire novel. Just going to get these awesome books out of the way so I can remember all the other books I read before. Hehe~~
Positive Feedback:
-claps- Amazing book! I was glued to it. I loved the cake, that made me crack up. Really badly. Just loved how Will and Ellie are getting closer, I love that! They seem so good together...
And dang! Ellie is scary when she's mad, I had to go, eep. She is loosing her humanity, but not by far. Can't wait for the third... -starts weeping- Hehe.
Man, things got fast between Ellie and Will...  I was going a little, Ee. Too quick. Slow things down a little bit.. (; Just a little.
Book rating out of 10
# of pages: 516
How long it took me to read: 1 day

Angelfire (Angelfire #1) by Courtney Allison Moulton

Positive Feedback
By far, a good book. It's one of my favorites in about six years. Courtney moved from scene to scene so carefully. While twisting one scene and when you're thinking about that, she does it again, and you go, what?! I really loved this book.
I love how Courtney makes the characters seem normal, then makes everything go, poof~~!
<3 Loved
Negative Feedback
One thing (after rereading) I noticed was that I always wondered what Ellie was wearing when she was battling a reaper in her past life. Kept imagining her in a black cloak.. Heheee...

Book rating out of 10:
# of pages: 453
How long it took me to read: 1 day