Friday, October 19, 2012

Angelfire (Angelfire #1) by Courtney Allison Moulton

Positive Feedback
By far, a good book. It's one of my favorites in about six years. Courtney moved from scene to scene so carefully. While twisting one scene and when you're thinking about that, she does it again, and you go, what?! I really loved this book.
I love how Courtney makes the characters seem normal, then makes everything go, poof~~!
<3 Loved
Negative Feedback
One thing (after rereading) I noticed was that I always wondered what Ellie was wearing when she was battling a reaper in her past life. Kept imagining her in a black cloak.. Heheee...

Book rating out of 10:
# of pages: 453
How long it took me to read: 1 day

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