Friday, October 19, 2012

Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire #2) by Courtney Allison Moulton

Yep, another Angelfire novel. Just going to get these awesome books out of the way so I can remember all the other books I read before. Hehe~~
Positive Feedback:
-claps- Amazing book! I was glued to it. I loved the cake, that made me crack up. Really badly. Just loved how Will and Ellie are getting closer, I love that! They seem so good together...
And dang! Ellie is scary when she's mad, I had to go, eep. She is loosing her humanity, but not by far. Can't wait for the third... -starts weeping- Hehe.
Man, things got fast between Ellie and Will...  I was going a little, Ee. Too quick. Slow things down a little bit.. (; Just a little.
Book rating out of 10
# of pages: 516
How long it took me to read: 1 day

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